Walk for Water day – March 22nd
Did you know an child in rural South Africa has to walk an average of 3.5miles a day, to fetch clean water for the family?!
In Africa, rural areas lack sanitation, hygiene and clean running water. In order to create a small solution, A Spring of Hope – an international NGO creates platforms for people around the world to participate in events and donate funds to supply wells for small villages. These wells, not only supply running water but facilitate irrigation for small gardens in order to feed to community but sanitation as well. Families who had to walk for water have a small hope of running water nearby.
March 22 is Water Day! In honor of that , I participated in a Walk For Water her ein Sunny Fort Lauderdale with Premiere Smiles Centre. Our aim was to walk 3.5 miles in order to acknowledge the right to clean running water. I have lived in South Africa, and some rurla town have little to no options. I hope that my small donation goes towards creating some hope in the areas that need it.
Fort Lauderdale and it’s water infrastructure has taken some strain recently, but in comparison to the life of a South Africa child in a village out in the rural areas…strain mean a different thing entirely. If you want to learn more about A Spring of Hope, to participate and donate please visit A Spring Of Hope
We can all make a difference, even in a little way. As a real estate agent in Fort Lauderdale we have so many organizations to help and participate in. Living in Africa, this small charity tugged at my heart.
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